
ENT Surgery in PCMC

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ENT surgery

A doctor of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) is an expert in anything relating to those body parts. Additionally known as otolaryngologists.

This medical specialty may be among the nation’s oldest, according to some historians. When doctors learned that a person’s ears, nose, and throat had intricately interconnected systems that required specialized understanding, it all began in the 1800s.

What is an ENT’s role?

ENTs treat both adults and children for issues relating to the head, neck, and ears, such as:
  • Hearing
  • the tonsils and adenoids
  • one’s thyroid
  • your sinuses
  • The throat
  • The oral
  • The pharynx
  • Aural tubes
  • Ear operations
  • Throat, head, and neck cancers
  • Head and neck reconstruction and cosmetic surgery
  • Motives to Consult an ENT

    If you experience any of the following long-term (chronic) throat, ear, or sinus issues:

    One of the most frequent reasons for parents to send their children to the doctor is ear infections. ENTs typically prescribe antibiotics to treat them, but if the infections recur, they might also advise surgery

    An infection of the tonsils is known as tonsillitis. Again, doctors frequently prescribe medicines to treat it, but if it doesn’t go away, they can advise having your tonsils removed.

    ENTs Treat the Basic Processes of Life

    Imagine not being able to hear a singer’s lovely music or not being able to hear her sing..

    These are some of the core human needs that make life so full and lovely. However, life is hampered or even put in danger when one or more of these functions no longer perform as they should.

    Some of the diseases that “ENT” (ear, nose, and throat) specialists treat include issues with hearing and balance, swallowing and speech, breathing and sleep troubles, allergies and sinuses, head and neck cancer, skin disorders, and even facial plastic surgery. Although it’s more convenient to just say “ENT,” ENT experts are officially known as “otolaryngologists” (pronounced: oh/toe/lair/in/goll/oh/jists).

    What Illnesses Are Treated by ENTs?

    General otolaryngologists treat a wide range of problems and do not restrict their practise to just one area of the head and neck. However, some ENT experts choose to specialise further in one of the following fields:

    Otology/neurotology of the ear

    Balance and hearing are essential for how we go about our daily lives. ENT doctors treat a variety of ailments, including ear infections, hearing loss, vertigo and tinnitus, ear, face, and neck discomfort, among others.

    Nose (rhinology)

    Our nostrils make breathing easier by helping to filter out allergies, dirt, and other potentially hazardous substances. ENT experts treat a variety of conditions in addition to allergies, such as deviated septum, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinus headaches, migraines, nasal obstruction, tumors near the base of the skull, including those inside the cranial cavity, and more.

    Throat (laryngology)

    Disorders that interfere with our capacity to talk and swallow normally can significantly damage our quality of life and ability to support ourselves. A painful throat, hoarseness, GERD, infections, throat tumours, airway and vocal cord abnormalities, among other conditions, are all treated by ENT specialists.
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