Department Of Bariatric And Metabolic Surgery

Center For Excellence in weight-loss surgery

Dr. Satish Head of General and laparoscopic surgery

Dr. Satish Pattanshetti

Dr. Satish Pattanshetti, is a GI and General surgeon who has expertise in Single Port Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and Robotic Obesity Surgery. He has received extensive training in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in Taiwan.

General Surgeon Head of General and Laparoscopic Surgery

Dr. Neeraj Rayate

Dr. Neeraj Rayate, graduated from Dr. V. M. Medical College, Solapur and completed his Masters in Surgery from Government Medical College & Civil Hospital, Sangli.

Bariatric And Weight Loss Surgery At 7 Orange Hospital

Are you obese? How do you know? Here is the answer… If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than 27, its obesity. Not only developed nations but also the developing nations like India are targeted by obesity. About 5% of our country’s population is affected by morbid obesity. Bariatric surgery is the last but the best effective option to manage obesity where other non-surgical options get ineffective.

The department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in 7 Orange Hospital, headed by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti and Dr. Neeraj Rayate, is one of the most efficient centres for Obesity & Metabolic surgery in this part of the city. They carry with them more than 10 years of collective experience in the field of Bariatric surgery with a very high success and satisfaction rates in their patients. It performs all the different types of weight loss surgeries, meets individual patient needs and provides post-surgery support. The department is equipped with the advanced technology and ample facilities for peri-operative management and care. Multi-disciplinary team of specialists is consulted and each individual is provided with a personalized treatment plan. Along with the commitment of our consultants, add-ons of second generation Single Incision Laparoscopy surgeries and the latest Robotic surgical options have made the 7 Orange Hospital to be among the most advanced Bariatric centres of the city.

Weight Loss Bariatric surgery is performed on people suffering from morbid obesity.

There are various procedures involved in achieving weight loss:

  • Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (removing a portion of the stomach)
  • Laparoscopic Roux En Y Gastric Bypass
  • Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass
  • Metabolic Surgery- Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Endoscopy- Gastric Balloon
  • Robotic Bariatric Surgery

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